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Locals Only Social Club.... Join the Club!


First, allow us to express our hope that you and yours are all safe and well. It’s truly been a privilege to be a part of this community for almost five years and we want to continue to be a part of it for many years to come.

We know that these are challenging times for everyone, but we believe it is our social responsibility to support the mitigation efforts regarding the spread of COVID-19, and therefore we’ve made the tough decision to close our Taproom and postpone all events at this time to assist in reducing the potential impact to public health.

This decision was not made lightly and has huge financial implications for Commonwealth, as we are a small, family-owned business providing a livelihood for 19 good friends, and are heavily dependent on the revenue from our Taproom. In the hopes of offsetting the loss of those sales, and in the interest of continuing to provide our product to all of you, we are launching a brand new ways to enjoy Commonwealth Beer:


You can preorder and prepay for your beer online here, anytime, call in your order to us directly at 757-305-9652 between 10am and 5pm, or simply build your order at the Curbside Checkout Tent located outside one of our Taproom bay doors.The Curbside Checkout Tent will operate daily, from 12pm until 8pm. Credit cards payments are preferred, but cash will be accepted.

**Safety Advisory – Please note that lines for in person curbside pickups need to space 6’ between each person.  Staff will maintain transaction table outside with regular disinfection of POS and table surfaces and will build orders wearing nitrile gloves.  If you are not feeling well, have a cough or fever, please remain at home and call your medical provider.

Please continue to check our website for packaged beer availability, and our Instagram, Facebook or Twitter accounts for updates on new beer releases available for pickup and delivery. We greatly appreciate the incredible support you all have shown us over the years and we look forward to seeing you soon!

With thanks,

from all of us at Commonwealth Brewing Company.